About Bihar Positive

Someone once said – You cannot have a Positive Life with a Negative Mindset. To lead or aspire to lead a Positive Life, one has to think positively. While a negative mindset means you will be caught in a quagmire of pessimism and failure, a positive mindset will motivate you to think optimistically and achieve your goals in Life. With this founding principle, Bihar Positive started its journey in 2011.

BP is an organization – Of the People, By the People and For the People. We believe and dream of a “New Bihar” – a “perfectly equitable and enlightened society”, serving as a role model for other states of India. Bihar Positive calls for “Sampoorna Unnati”- where every citizen has TOTAL, ABSOLUTE and ASSURED access to Social, Political and Economic development irrespective of her or his economic, religious or social status. The purpose of BP is to be the “change and drive the change that we want to see”, with participation from all constituents of our society.

We have come a long way in the last 10 years and we look back with pride at our accomplishments but when we see what is still left undone, we are motivated to work with more energy, passion and commitment. We hope that as we grow, more and more people with positive mindset will join us and help spread the message of positivity, optimism and hope.

Main Focus

  • Provide access to primary healthcare to people of Bihar and also work with them to prevent disease prevention by increasing awareness of hygienic habits
  • Create employment opportunities for the people (across segments and genders) especially in the traditional industries and futuristic areas like AI, Digital Marketing, etc.
  • Create a Platform where individuals can feel free to initiate ideas, innovations and initiatives to create a new and positive Bihar. This includes Entrepreneurial Circles where people with ideas can be mentored by people with experience in running and managing businesses
  • Creating a Digital Ecosystem with access to Internet through Community Halls equipped with Computers, Video Conference facilities, etc.
  • Introducing Courses on Skill Development with Industry requirements – shortage of Skilled workers is a big issue with most industries. We can design courses with Industry collaboration that help us to nurture youth and find employment for them in reputed companies
  • Improve efficacy of implementation of various social programs like DBT, PMJDY, Insurance and Pension scheme, subsidies, etc. by leveraging on JAM stack
Call : 01204114059
Email : info@biharpositive.org
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